Think Media Studios at 2009 Nationals

 feature-length documentary about competitive checkers  



Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T from Alan Millhone email 6/16/2009 7:19PM

From: Geoff Yaw
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 17:15:58 -0400
To: Alan Millhone<>


Hi Alan,

Nice chatting with you this afternoon.

As I mentioned on the phone, myself and a small video crew will be making the trip down to Lebanon, TN in August to witness all of the action at the U.S. Nationals. I would appreciate it very much if you could let the folks who will be attending know that we will be there so we don’t take anyone by surprise.

As you know, we’ve been working on a feature-length documentary about the world of competitive checkers and its inhabitants. We started this adventure back in September 2008 when we attended the OH State Championship and the World GAYP title match between Lubabalo Kondlo and Ron ‘Suki’ King. Since that time we’ve visited Lubabalo in South Africa and have done a fair amount of shooting in various other locales. We will visit Suki soon in Barbados. Those who are interested can visit our production and travel blog. We’re careful not to give away many story elements in the blog but it does offer a glimpse into what we’ve been up to. The blog can be found here

We’re looking forward to meeting and spending time with some more great checker players!

I look forward to seeing you and all the other players in August. Anyone who has any questions about our project should feel free to contact me via phone or email.

Best Regards,

Geoff Yaw
Think Media Studios
Office. 440-995-0600